Bento Batuca (2018)
Produtor – junto à Oficina de Alegria – do espetáculo infantil Bento Batuca focado na cultura afro-diaspórica no Brasil e suas musicalidades. Com direção de Luciana Ramanzini e Edu Leão e direção musical de Os Capoeira, o espetáculo fez algumas temporadas em teatro de São Paulo e foi sucesso de público e crítica, ganhando inclusive os seguintes prêmios: Prêmio da Associação Paulista de Críticos de Artes (APCA) de Melhor Espetáculo Musical Infantojuvenil do ano (2018) e Melhor Trilha Sonora Original pelo Prêmio São Paulo de Incentivo ao Teatro Infantil e Jovem (2018).
Producer – along with Oficina de Alegria – of the children's musical theater play Bento Batuca focused on Afro-Diasporic culture in Brazil and its musicalities. Directed by Luciana Ramanzini and Edu Leão and musically directed by Os Capoeira, the show ran a few seasons in São Paulo and it was a success with the audience and critics. Winner of the following awards: award from the Paulista Association of Art Critics (APCA) for Best Children's Musical Show of the Year (2018) and Best Original Soundtrack by the São Paulo Award for Incentive to Children and Youth Theater (2018).
Fotos/photos: Soul em Cena
Producer – along with Oficina de Alegria – of the children's musical theater play Bento Batuca focused on Afro-Diasporic culture in Brazil and its musicalities. Directed by Luciana Ramanzini and Edu Leão and musically directed by Os Capoeira, the show ran a few seasons in São Paulo and it was a success with the audience and critics. Winner of the following awards: award from the Paulista Association of Art Critics (APCA) for Best Children's Musical Show of the Year (2018) and Best Original Soundtrack by the São Paulo Award for Incentive to Children and Youth Theater (2018).
Fotos/photos: Soul em Cena