Foto-performance #anywherelogoali (2014–)
#anywherelogoali é uma foto-performance de longa duração que explora as paisagens desoladas-hiperocupadas do folcore urbano capitalista. A performance se dá pelos caminhos deste artista quando um viajante, seja aqui ou algures; em qualquer lugar, logo ali. #anywherelogoali é um labirinto sem nação ou fronteira; ora asséptico, ora tosco; ora característico, ora genérico. O genérico no característico, o universal no específico. O não-lugar, o meio de transporte, o quarto de hotel barato fedendo a cigarro, a solidão dos aplicativos, o galpão decorado, as escadas rolante, o deserto, a cobertura e a lanchonete. Eu iniciei esse projeto quando em uma viagem de carro atravessando os EUA e depois levei-o adiante sempre através da precariedade da câmera do celular aliada às nuvens de armazenamento de dados em seu paroxismo em forma de hashtag. Onde? #anywherelogoali
#anywherelogoali is a long-term photo-performance exploring the desolate-hyper-busy landscapes of capitalist urban folklore. The performance takes place along the paths of this artist as a traveller, whether here or elsewhere; anywhere, right there. #anywherelogoali is a labyrinth with no nation or borders; sometimes aseptic, sometimes clumsy; sometimes characteristic, sometimes generic. The generic in the characteristic, the universal in the specific. The non-place, the means of transport, the cheap motel room stinking of cigarettes, the loneliness of apps, the decorated shed, the escalators, the desert, the penthouse and the basement. I started this project when on cross-country road trip in the US and then I carried it forward, always through the precariousness of the cell phone camera combined with the clouds of data storage in its hashtag-shaped paroxysm. Where? #anywherelogoali
#anywherelogoali is a long-term photo-performance exploring the desolate-hyper-busy landscapes of capitalist urban folklore. The performance takes place along the paths of this artist as a traveller, whether here or elsewhere; anywhere, right there. #anywherelogoali is a labyrinth with no nation or borders; sometimes aseptic, sometimes clumsy; sometimes characteristic, sometimes generic. The generic in the characteristic, the universal in the specific. The non-place, the means of transport, the cheap motel room stinking of cigarettes, the loneliness of apps, the decorated shed, the escalators, the desert, the penthouse and the basement. I started this project when on cross-country road trip in the US and then I carried it forward, always through the precariousness of the cell phone camera combined with the clouds of data storage in its hashtag-shaped paroxysm. Where? #anywherelogoali